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Independent Voters Alliance (IVA)

A Minor Change in Political Concept, But Profound in the Positive Ways Our Lives Will Be Affected

Meet the Independent Voters Alliance

Greetings from the 80% MAJORITY Moderate Middle

By Rich Stevenson ©2003-2012

Interim Acting Chair of the Hamilton County IVA

IVA LeadershipThe Independent Voters Alliance (IVA) is simply an Internet based ballot access tool for winning The Overdue Voter Revolution.1 The Hamilton County IVA is a locally based part of the growing nationwide non-partisan independent political movement. The IVA can go statewide and nationwide over the next several months and years to provide free Internet ballot access tools to win a peaceful non-partisan voter revolution in all fifty states. and web site software is available for free so you can use your computer desktop to play a pivotal role in our 2nd American Revolution for individual sovereignty. You can manage free IVA web pages in your local electoral district or create the State IVA web pages needed to initiate the coalition non-partisan political movement in your state. Seriously!

Our 80% non-partisan independent moderate majority leaves just 20% to be in the radical left and the radical right, both of which are in the Democratic and Republican parties. (Of course, we realize radical fringe groups go beyond those two parties on the farthest left and the farthest right.) Please add your voice to the growing non-partisan independent movement of moderate radicals. We are in the middle. We have no cause but liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic. Our radical concept is common sense and bottom-up participation in government.


HQ: Our voter revolution will be conducted from the bottom-up with IVA headquarters located on our computer desktops. Yours and mine! No guns, no blood, no harm to anyone. The voter revolution will simply be a shift from the bipartisan two-party political system, to a non-partisan independent political system. A minor change in political concept, but profound in the positive ways our lives will be affected. Public policy will be based upon the interests of our citizens, not upon the maintenance of power for two greed-driven political parties and the special interests that control them. (Top of Page)

While you are at the bottom level of our democratic republic, voting or not voting, the two national monopoly parties, the DNC and the RNC, are at the top buying career politicians with campaign funds. The monopoly bipartisan two-party system owns incumbent career politicians, our “public servants.


Both monopoly parties have had control for so long that they take our one vote for granted. Few people vote, so they control the few people who do vote. Distorted radio and TV ads are used to brainwash “likely voters” to re-elect bipartisan incumbents. Voter turnout declines in each succeeding election. Bipartisan political leaders are concerned that two-party support is nearly non-existent, but they have had no reason to fear losing power to non-partisan independents or minor parties. Over 99% of bipartisan career incumbents have been re-elected for many decades. (Top of Page)

THE BAD NEWS: Our widespread disgust with politics, our prolonged inactivity, protects the bipartisan two-party system from any loss of political power.

THE GOOD NEWS: There are 100,000,000  unregistered age-eligible non-voters nationwide. They are nearly equal to 115,000,000 registered voters nationwide, of whom only 12% to 49% are likely to vote.

DO THE MATH: 94% to 74% of all age-eligible voters do not vote or actively support any political party. With the truth well known, OUR SILENT MAJORITY could elect non-partisan independent candidates we choose to every public office.

THE GOOD NEWS: Non-partisan unorganized votes and non-votes elected every career incumbent now in public office. We are responsible for the mess in our corrupt political system. GOOD NEWS! Our organized non-partisan IVA coalition efforts can clean up politics from the bottom up. Up to you!

Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator named Cicero said, “Freedom is participation in power.” If we ever want to be free, we must participate in politics more fully than is allowed by our monopoly bipartisan two-party system. We must become active good citizens. (Your Voice)

Moderate radicals are non-partisan independent voters who want government to represent real people, not paper people such as corporations, unions, or political parties. Constitutional provisions for equal protection need to apply only to real living people. The non-partisan independent political movement is all about restoring government “of, by, and for the people” at the local, state, and national levels.

The IVA active citizenship message is addressed to you and to every citizen of Hamilton County, of Ohio, and of Everywhere, USA. Our individual non-partisan grassroots efforts will radiate and come back to us multiplied. The good we do will inspire the political dreams of our people in every community all over our great nation.

The IVA is a chance for you and me to correct the problems created by a corrupt bipartisan two-party system that acts in its own national and international self-interests. The two-party political system we have, and the governments it has created, do not protect our common interests. Moreover, it seems to me, the two parties we have do not act to protect our basic national interests or to defend our founding national principles.

The biggest, most carefully hidden, political secret is that non-partisan independents like us are an 80% majority who refuse to actively support a political party of any kind. Non-partisan independents have been unaware of their majority status and the workable political strategies needed to exert their overwhelming political strength.

I hope that you will join with me and other non-partisan independents to elect trustworthy leaders who will make our land the home of the free. Self-government and human rights can be our peaceful nationwide and worldwide public policy. The next seven generations deserve nothing less from us. We owe nothing less to our children, to our grandchildren, and to the world we leave behind for generations to come.


“Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” We will maintain America as a free and healthy democratic republic under the US Constitution.

Our Elected Leaders No Longer Honor the Sovereignty of Our People
~ Formally Declared in 1776 ~

NON-PARTISAN LEADERSHIP: The political campaign template provides free web pages and campaign materials for use by moderate non-partisan independent and minor party political candidates. This free tool can help voters take majority control away from the corrupt bipartisan two-party system. Non-partisan independent public office holders will restore civility to political discourse and public trust to our political process. (Top of Page)


The non-partisan independent audience is very wide and tired of political parties of every kind. “Independent Like You” and "Open Clean Elections ~ Your Voice" are campaign slogans that are warmly embraced by nearly every one I have encountered over the past several years. Please use them. People, who actually vote, usually vote for candidates from the two monopoly parties, out of habit, not from conviction. 74% to 94% of all age-eligible voters do not actively support any political party. In the past, we almost always had to vote for the least awful of two familiar monopoly bipartisan candidates. From today forward, we can put our non-partisan independent choices on every ballot. 


Your Voice IVA e-Online Form

Welcome to the non-partisan independent political movement. Read the national IVA web pages at Participate. (Top of Page)

1. A pamphlet, available for free at, Common Sense II Political Reforms.

Contact Information

Model Local IVA:

Model Political Campaigns: ;

LOCAL IVA E-mail: hamco at

USAIVA E-mail: usaiva at

IVA Opinion Archive:

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rls: October 01, 2003
edit: 10-03-06; 12-25-06; 01-01-07; 12-15-07; 01-02-08; 09-23-08; 12-16-08; 03-23-09, 06-08-09, 07-4-09, 01-01-10, 03-18-10, 10-26-10, 12-31-10 & 03-02-11