Your Voice | Topics | Download | Forum | IVA Page Guide


Counter Initial Publication: 12-28-10   Latest Revision: 01-08-11 rls

Content Under Review: All new Local IVA and State IVA Web Pages are under review to Edit content for accuracy and to Assure Compliance with State Ballot Access and Election Law. This review notice will be removed from each individual State IVA Web Page when the content on that individual page is completely  accurate within a high degree of reasonable  certainty.

Initial Date Published: 12-28-10   Latest Update: 12-26-10

Independent Voters Alliance

New York State (NYIVA)

This meet ups page is included with all Local, State, and National level IVA pages to encourage Local IVA activity. Person to person education and social interaction are an important part of the activity needed to develop an intentional political mass movement for open ballot access in Ohio. The IVA structure has the functional tools needed to achieve all bottom up ballot access goals within the State of Ohio. It will take a lot of people to people education and communication to enable IVA participants to focus on common reform issues that unite us all. We need to discover common goals we all share.

Meet Ups, Coffees, and Speakers

Local IVA web pages will provide a lot of information and materials to your community to complete petitions for non-partisan independent ballot access. However, person to person contact and discussion is necessary to involve your community and voters in political transformation. Shared goals give people a reason to hope for clean government. Change begins in individual minds. Hope evolves in individual hearts.

Neighborhood and Community Political Participation

Meet Up opportunities: (Your County, electoral district) You can search for active Local IVA web pages. We are in the growth phase. Not many pages are published to date. Get in the game, put up Local IVA pages in your area. 

We will need to meet in small groups at meet ups, in homes, in communities, and on college campuses to promote non-partisan independent political participation. As the IVA grows, we will develop each IVA participant's interests as a candidate for public office, speaker, discussion leader, meet up host, petition circulator instructor, IVA petition circulator, IVA web page manager, and Election Day participant. IVA meet ups need to include Petition Circulator Education so we can certify enough people to meet all ballot access petition goals under restrictive Ohio election law. We can gain representation for the people of Ohio. You and yours. Me and mine.


Informal Coffees for friends, neighbors, and family hosted in homes and college dorms can strengthen the non-partisan political movement. In fact, this is the essential component of political reform. This is where the rubber meets the road. If there is no leadership here, from the bottom up, nothing will happen to create a new political system. Only you can lead the non-partisan political movement. All politics is local. Many meet ups can and will be private, among a small circle of trusted friends, neighbors, and relatives in our homes.
(Top of Page) (Your Voice)


Download: You can download, print and copy handout materials from your Ohio IVA Documents page:

Involve more people in the non-partisan independent movement for a more democratic republic.

A knowledgeable moderator is a good idea for informal discussions of issues and the outlook for electing non-partisan independent and minor party leadership to have clean government. (Top of Page)


The most convenient meet up times are on Saturday or Sunday afternoons, and weekday evenings. A five to ten minute topic presentation should be enough to start a lively discussion followed by questions and answers related to the topic. Thirty to sixty minutes should give everyone a chance to express his or her views. Agree to disagree on some things. Discover common goals and viewpoints. An informal coffee can be any time. The conversation does not stop at the meet up door. (Your Voice)

Discussions will focus on liberty and justice for all in a more democratic republic. We will share a variety of ideas on campaign finance reform; on current local, state, and national issues; on the next presidential election; or on any other community topic of mutual interest.

We can arrange speakers for large private or public meetings to present the non-partisan independent/minor party point of view on the need for reforms to support a more democratic republic. We will openly discuss concealed political problems that are commonly known to exist. A five to ten minute talk, will be followed by thirty to sixty minutes of discussion, questions and answers. We need non-partisan leadership.


Some Topics for Discussion

"What is Active Citizenship in a democratic republic?"

"Clean Elections, What Changes are Needed? Why?"

"Why Have Minor Parties Failed to Win More Elections?"

"The Jesse Ventura Phenomenon and the Future of American Politics."

"Is there a Place for Independents and Minor Parties in American Politics?"

"What Changes are Needed Before the Next Presidential Election?"

"Do we live in a Bipartisan Political Dictatorship?"

We can use topics provided by the host, group, or organization. You can provide the topic for your meet up or coffee. To host a meet up you provide non-partisan independents. Friends, neighbors, and relatives. The IVA can provide a discussion leader/petition instructor where needed.
(Top of Page)

Email A return Email will detail scheduled nearby meet ups you can attend. Or, if you are hosting a meet up, the names and contact information for the discussion leader and/or petition instructor you requested will be Emailed to you. Every IVA participant wants your meet up to be successful.

Many meet ups can and will be private, among a small circle of trusted friends, neighbors, and relatives.

Consult your organization or group to schedule an IVA speaker for a monthly meeting. Your help is needed. Set up or host a meet up in your home or dormitory. Your talents are needed. (Your Voice)


Public Forum Meetings: Any meetings scheduled for an open public meeting place in Ohio featuring well-known non-partisan independent and minor party political speakers/groups will be on the Public Forum page. (Top of Page)

Ballot access petitions will be available on IVA web pages and other web pages for use by non-partisan independent citizens. Freedom is participation in power.

Be an active petition circulator and Election Day participant.

Be an Active Citizen in your voting precinct.

A Little Effort — A Lot of Liberty

Welcome to the non-partisan political movement.

Edit2> BETSY ROSS, Interim Acting Chair, NYIVA, Email <Edit2

(Your Voice) IVA e-ONLINE FORM | (End of Page)
Contact a Nearby IVA and Host a Meet up in Your Home or Dorm

NYIVA Pages Guide:

(IVA Priority) Certify Petition Circulators

(Your Voice) Manage IVA Web Pages

(Your Voice) THIS PAGE Meet ups, Coffees, and Speakers 

(Petitions/Web Pages) Non-partisan Candidates on Ohio Ballots

(Initiative/Party) Active Petitions

(Non-Partisan Candidate) Can You Stand for Public Office? (Qualify at 18 yrs.) (Gen X, Y Issues)

(Your Privilege) Active Citizenship

(Directory) Ohio Local IVA Home Pages 

(Directory) Ohio IVA Central Committee (Members Needed — Your Voice?)

(Download, Print) Ohio IVA Documents

(A Civics Lesson) Political ID Card

(Links to Learning) Study Hall, Today's Politics

(Positive, Creative Blogs) Sounding Board (Improve the Politics We Live With)

(Referenda) New York Ballot Initiative Ideas Page

(Ohio Income Tax Credit) $50 for your Political Use

(ohiva at OHIVA Email 

Model State IVA Web Pages
Ballot Access) Ohio IVA
Model Local IVA Web Pages (County, Community, precinct, etc.)
Ballot Access) Hamilton County OH


Your Voice | Topics | Download | Forum

IVA Page Guide | Top of Page Content Notice

 Local IVA Home Page | State IVA Home Page | National IVA Home Page

Web Page Manager, Aaron Ansel, Email, Kings County NY IVA
A political home for our 80% Non-Partisan Majority!
All Independent and Minor Party Voters Welcome!
New Voters Too!

IVA Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design
Copyright 1999-2010 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
is given to the
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA) by Email.
Please use "IVA Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to non-partisan political web pages.
Also created and developed by RLS Design
Common Sense II Political Reforms
Copyright 1997-2010 by Richard L. Stevenson