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Independent Voters Alliance (IVA)

Our Voices: A New Social Paradigm

A Democratic Republic!

The Vote-by-Mail Resolution!

The 99% Can Vote Any Day at Home. Ends Voter Suppression By the DNC and the RNC! Create Open Final Five Pro-democracy Primary Elections to Build Consensus on Public Policy.

Open Ballot Access and Equal Political Speech

By Rich Stevenson ©May 01, 2020

Interim Acting Chair of the Jefferson County KYIVA


Meet the IVA

IVA LeadershipThe Golden Mean! The location of truth is almost never at any extreme. Truth? Wisdom? Consensus is often found at the true, wise point at the middle of all arguments for any Truth. Plato and Socrates agreed, and the same conclusion is found in all philosophies and religions throughout human history. The Golden Mean is the usual solution to any problem:


Common sense and pragmatism lead to consensus on issues. Finding a solution that works bypasses and ends the argument over "truth." If something works, it is time to move on. Time to get on to other concerns.

Partisanship has divided our country almost to the point of civil war over today's differences over morality or truth. One ugly civil war was already fought over slavery not so long ago. Both parties today are backed into indefensible positions on controversial issues. Abortion. Guns. Are two major differences! There is no consensus on those issues. And others. Religious diversity. Racial diversity. Income inequality. Huge divide. Minority factions are near the point of fighting over these issues. Passions are high. Violence would be a point of no return. We can't go there! Division on these issues have ended civilizations. Minority differences divide the DNC and the RNC. To survive, we need to get to consensus, to take those issues out of partisan consideration. Find agreement?

At least we must agree to disagree on radical minority issues to survive as a country, to avoid a devastating civil war. We are getting close to a tipping point due to the Covid-19 health crisis. Both sides claim the high ground on differences of principle. On moral beliefs. On constitutional interpretation.

With everybody voting by mail in combined D and R primaries, controversial issues can be toned down. Republican candidates will be pulled back from the Far Right in Open Final Five pro-democracy primaries and Democratic candidates will be pulled back from the Far Left in Open Final Five pro-democracy primaries. Issues could be resolved based upon support from a super majority of proactive voters. The majority of eligible voters are moderate on all the controversial minority issues. The Issues could be acted upon based on moderate agreement and consensus in moderate legislatures not blighted by left and right "Wingnut," single issue radicals. A majority of open primary voters will not re-elect radical "Wingnut"1 incumbents. We are a nation of laws.


To get to consensus in legislative bodies and executive offices we need three radical election reforms. Make our elections proudly representative in a robustly democratic republic. Enact these three solutions into law:

Solution 1: Create pro-democracy Final Five Primary Elections open to every eligible voter. Up to five candidates with the most votes advance to the General Election. We could have Open Final Five pro-democracy Primaries2 in all fifty states to give all voters a voice in primary elections. (A general referendum on every candidate selected in open primary elections.)

Solution 2: Use ranked choice voting (RCV) to elect every candidate for public office with a majority vote.2 Voters will have a vote on every candidate on General Election ballots.3 Each General Election ballot will have up to five candidates selected from an open Final Five Primary Election. (A general referendum vote from every voter on every candidate in every public office.)

Solution 3: Vote-by-Mail!4 Mail a ballot to all eligible voters in every Primary and General Election in all fifty states. Count 100% of votes from all eligible voters. (A general referendum on every candidate elected.)

(Top of Page)


Promote voting by mail and have pro-democracy open Final Five  Primary Elections to have a country with liberty and justice for all. Our legislators can find peace and work together to resolve all of our many problems. “Voters must become proactive good citizens.” Government by consensus.


Voters must take power from (and within) the D and R parties to have open elections so all voters have a voice in all elections. Elect pro-democracy candidates put on the ballot by voters to defeat establishment D and R candidates. Occupy Elections. Everybody Vote! “Voters must become proactive good citizens to have a voice in public policy.”

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Welcome to the pro-democracy Proactive Voter Movement. Read the national IVA web pages at cs2pr.us/hamco/usaiva. Participate. Zoom

Sign the pledge. OCCUPY  Bad News. Voter Apathy

Contact Information

Model Local IVA: cs2pr.us/hamco

Political Campaigns: Free Template

LOCAL IVA E-mail: hamco@cs2pr.us

USAIVA E-mail: usaiva@cs2pr.us

IVA Opinion Archive: cs2pr.us/IVA_Opinion

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rls/(publish date) May 01, 2020; Jan 01, 2025.

edit: 05-05-2020; 11-25-2020; 04-29-2021; 01-16-2022; 07-11-2022; 05-10-2023; 06-28-23; 02-19-24; 03-29-24; 01-01-25


OCCUPY  One Vote  OCCUPY  Print/Share

We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!

Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

Occupy Elections. Everybody Vote!

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IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page

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Bad News. Voter Apathy

Everybody Vote


Our Voices: A New Social Paradigm

The Proactive Voter Movement:

     “...with Liberty and Justice for All”

Who are the 99.999%?

Why Extreme Voter Apathy?

The Vote-by-Mail Resolution!

Wealth Inequality In America


Sign Your Pledge: Gdoc , PDF or HTML Print File

Free Tools: Proactive Voter Movement

Your Leadership Form: USAIVA Gdoc

Zoom    Occupy

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Unite America. Occupy Elections.

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page

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Bad News. Voter Apathy 

IVA Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design
Copyright 1999-2025 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
 is given to the
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA) by Email.
Please use "IVA Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to pro-democracy political web pages.
Also created and developed by RLS Design

Common Sense II Political Reforms

Copyright 1997-2025 by Richard L. Stevenson


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1. Wingnuts: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wingnut_(politics)

2. FFV: Final Five Elections.ORG

Video (2min): https://youtu.be/wvMrvjiciBw   

REF: The Politics Industry, Gehl/Porter, Harvard Business Review Press, 2020.

Institute for Political Innovation: https://political-innovation.org/ 


3. Forward Party: https://www.forwardparty.com/ , Join, Proactive_Voter, Occupy Elections for the 99.999%. Everybody Vote! Not right. Not left. Forward.

REF: Forward, Notes on the Future of Our Democracy, Andrew Yang, Crown, New York, 2021. "Civic Juries" mentioned by Yang would be fulfilled by the pro-democracy Proactive Voter Movement. Sign the pledge: https://cs2pr.us/Proactive_Pledge.html#99% . Become a Proactive Voter. Occupy elections. Unite America.


4. A Democratic Republic! The Vote-by-Mail Resolution!, IVA Opinion, Richard L. Stevenson, May 01, 2020.

The 99% Can Vote Any Day at Home. End Voter Suppression By the DNC and the RNC! Create Open Final Five Pro-democracy Primary Elections to Build Consensus on Public Policy.




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