Pledge   Unite America. Everybody Vote!  $1.00

Bad News. Voter Apathy OCCUPY Your Pledge   ProVotPam


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Occupy Elections

We Are The 99.999%!

Elect 99.999% Candidates

Unite America. Everybody Vote! | 99.999%?


We Need A Pro-democracy Proactive Voter Movement: (Civics_Lesson) OCCUPY

The Proactive Voter Pledge

I, (print name) __________________________________________________ , the undersigned citizen of the United States of America, do pledge with my fellow citizens to legally register and vote in all local, state, and national elections for the rest of my life. I consider the bipartisan power struggle between Democrats (DNC) and Republicans (RNC) a threat to the freedoms gained by the Declaration of Independence and later defined in the Bill of Rights under the Constitution of the United States of America. Special interest money donations to the DNC & RNC two-party monopoly rob our citizens of equal political representation within legislative bodies and executive branches at all levels of government. I must withdraw wholehearted support from all establishment Democratic Party and Republican Party candidates. I pledge to help elect qualified pro-democracy nonpartisan and proactive candidates to many local, state, and national public offices in order to have equal representation under the law for all living natural citizens. We will fire establishment bipartisan incumbents. Unite America. Everybody Vote! Fix Democracy.

Your Pledge, 

One Vote (Pamphlet_PDF) (HTML Print File) PDF (Top of Page)

My legal residence, Address _____________________________________________ , City __________________________ , State _______________ , qualifies me to vote in Precinct# _________ ; House#                    Senate#                 Congress#                in _______________________________________________________(City, Village, or Township) in the State of _______________________________________________ .
My pledge, signed this ______ day of ______________________ , ___________ ,
at (City) _____________________ , (State) _____________________ .


My Signature _______________________________________________________


Share this pledge: We need new political leaders free of party control. We need to circulate ballot access petitions to put more pro-democracy nonpartisan and proactive candidates on every ballot.  Be proactive as a ballot access petition circulator and voter. Join other voters who sign the pledge. Give journalists and your representatives a hard copy or eFile of your signed pledge. We will vote incumbents out of office and elect new people who represent natural citizens, not political parties or powerful special interests. We can have liberty and justice for all.

(One Vote) (Strategy)  (Top of Page)

Your Proactive Pledge: Gdoc, PDF Print File

or HTML Print File

 (Print 1st Page to Sign a Hard Copy)

My Pledge: rlsProactive_Pledge.pdf

The html Edit File:

The pdf Edit File:


Needed to read and download pdf files. Free, quick download.


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   Our_Voices   CSII_Think_Tank

Your Pledge   ProVotPam   Bad News. Voter Apathy

Pledge   99.999% | 99% | $1.00

Home Page | Free Proactive Voter Tools | Vote | 99.999%?



Open Ballot Access and Equal Political Speech

Open Ballot

For a More Democratic Republic
Meet the IVA

"My bible is the Bill of Rights," Keith Carradine

 OCCUPY Political Protest Song OCCUPY

Elect Centrist Independents

The Centrist Project - Mission

U.S. Term Limits | Tenure Corrupts

Help for
Term Limits for Congress

OCCUPY  One Vote    OCCUPY  Print/Share

We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!

Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

Unite America. Everybody Vote!

   Our_Voices   CSII_Think_Tank

Free Proactive Voter Tools

Unite America. Everybody Vote!

Occupy Congress

99.999% | Your Pledge

Congressional Term Limits

By Voter Choice

Unite America. Everybody Vote!

Pledge   Your Pledge   Bad News. Voter Apathy   $1.00



The Proactive Voter Movement 

Pamphlet Preview Page:

Share the Free Preview File:

Buy the eBook or the Paperback on Amazon:






The Truth About Voter Apathy ― 66% Don't Vote!

Voter Apathy Cartoon

Nick Anderson Editorial Cartoon used with the permission of Nick Anderson, the Washington Post Writers Group and the Cartoonist Group. All rights reserved.

Said Nick, On November 04, 2014, In This Editorial Cartoon.

Support Nick Anderson, Best Editorial Cartoonist Ever!!!


Become a Patron:

Unite America. Everybody Vote!

How You Win | How We Win 

Bad News. Voter Apathy 

The Solution. Everybody Vote. 100%!


Bad News. Voter Apathy

Everybody Vote!


Our Voices: A New Social Paradigm

The Proactive Voter Movement:

     “...with Liberty and Justice for All”

Who are the 99.999%?

Why Extreme Voter Apathy?

The Vote-by-Mail Resolution!

Wealth Inequality In America

Sign Your Pledge: Gdoc , PDF or HTML Print File

Free Tools: Proactive Voter Movement

Your Leadership Form: USAIVA Gdoc

Zoom   Occupy

   Our_Voices   CSII_Think_Tank

Sign the Pledge    OCCUPY    Print/Share 

Unite America. Occupy Elections.


Bad News. Voter Apathy

Pledge   Unite America. Everybody Vote!  $1.00

Bad News. Voter Apathy OCCUPY Your Pledge   ProVotPam


How You Win | How We Win 


Goals and Strategy for
Common Sense II Political Reforms
Liberty and Justice for all in a more Democratic Republic
Free Political Tools for Pro-democracy Nonpartisan Proactive Voters
Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design 
Copyright © 1997-2025 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
 is given to
Common Sense II Political Reforms by Email.
 Please use "CSII Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to nonpartisan political web pages.
Concept and web pages also by RLS Design
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA)
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Richard L. Stevenson

Zoom  Occupy



Change Our World

Free Proactive Voter Tools

Do It Yourself Press



Home Page | Free Proactive Voter Tools | Vote | 99.999%?

Sign the Pledge     OCCUPY      Print/Share

   Our_Voices   CSII_Think_Tank
