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$ Fund-Raising the Bernie Way $

ELECTION DAY: November 08, 2022



Bad News - Voter Apathy | Proactive Voter Pledge

Equal Political Speech U.S. Amendmemt

Congressional Term Limits U.S. Amendment

Re-Enact the Glass-Steagall Act, 27 Pages

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Elect Centrist Independents
Unite America
Occupy Elections
       Occupy Elections            
Proactive Strategy

"A Declaration of Independents"

The Unite America "declaration" page no longer exists: . The "Citizens for Stevenson" campaign replaced the "declaration" page with the "Populist Pledge" to help create "The Proactive Voter Movement," link below. We can "Unite America" based on the principle of "People Over Party." Our Populist Majority can fire establishment Democrats and Republicans, the corrupt two-party system. Join The Proactive Voter Movement. Sign your propactive voter pledge. Use your vote and voice for reform. Occupy elections. Unite America.Sign your pledge:

The Proactive Voter Movement

It seems to me that Unite America abandoned The Centrist Project nonpartisan centrist strategy advocated by Charles Wheelan, .

WiKiPedia Link on Unite America, History:

The "/declaration" web page was removed from the "Unite America" web site. The "Five Principles" that were on the page are copied below. I think the "declaration of independents" was the Centrist Project's best expression of the reforms needed to clean up our elections and politics. Do you agree?

The original text of "A Declaration of Independents" is reproduced below:

"A Declaration of Independents"

"As growing partisanship threatens to deepen the divides in our country, we join together as political independents to declare five common principles that we believe can unite a new movement to repair our politics and restore the American dream for future generations.

"First, we put the public interest ahead of any partisan or special interest.
Government should represent “We, the people”  not the party leaders or those who can buy access to power. As independents, we believe good governance is about rising above petty partisanship and putting the people first.

"Second, we use common sense and find common ground to solve problems.
We reject today’s zero sum politics and desire to work together with Democrats and Republicans in an inclusive and civil manner to get things done. As independents, we think for ourselves, understand different perspectives, follow the facts, identify root causes, offer new ideas, and make logical decisions.

"Third, we stand for the timeless values of opportunity, equality, and stewardship.
We want to empower every American to realize their full potential, uphold equal rights for all under the law, and ultimately leave a stronger country for the next generation. As independents, we believe in both fiscal and environmental responsibility.

"Fourth, we champion competition, transparency, and accountability in politics.
We seek to rebuild Americans’ trust in government by holding ourselves to the highest standards of honor and honesty and by fixing the broken incentives that contribute to political dysfunction. As independents, we support reforms to ensure our political process truly represents the people   including the way we draw district lines, fund campaigns, and run elections.

"Fifth, we believe in the shared responsibility of civic engagement.
As Americans, we understand it is our civic duty to be informed and engaged on important issues. As independents, we encourage increased citizen participation in our political process and in service to our country."    Declaration    Rich


Rich: I have signed the "Declaration of Independents" and fully agree with every word. I do think we need to Fire longterm career incumbents who have been part of the "Do-Nothing Congress" for 10 ,20 ,30, 40 or 50 years. For them we need to pass a term limits bill that ends their unproductive time in Congress. The joint resolution needed: Congressional Term Limits U.S. Amendment .
You can help the "Citizens for Stevenson" campaign by completing the online form at the link below. Lit drop in your neighbothood to help elect Rich Stevenson. Thanks.  05-10-18

(Top of Page)   Declaration    Lit Drop


We will do lit drops in every neighborhood to ask voters to elect Rich to create a secure financial system for Main Street and our families, (100,000,000 American households). Give your information online so you can help win very important financial system reforms.

Your Voice: e-ONLINE FORM

Your Information is not made public. Fill in all items marked with an asterisk. Indicate "Lit Drop Activities KY 3" in the "Participate" comment box. (Top of Page)   Declaration    Lit Drop


I Pledge to be Self Term-Limited to Two Terms in Office: Four Years




To preserve freedom and our democratic republic we must not re-elect bipartisan career incumbents to public office, as often as possible. Replace career incumbents with newly elected private citizens.

Elect "Rich." You win. We all win. Put Rich on your ballot for KY District Three Representative to the U.S. Congress on November 07, 2022. You must be proactive in this election campaign to have your voice heard in the U.S. Congress.
OPEN CLEAN ELECTIONS Citizens for Stevenson

Elect nonpartisan independent candidates on your ballot. We all win if you apply term limits in the voting booth to all Incumbent public office holders. Establishment politicians do harm to our dreams of freedom and a democratic republic. As the years pass, incumbent politicians serve only their political party and other special interests that support their personal political ambitions.
How We Win


Town Hall Election Day Politics

Campaign with "Rich" | You Can Win | Campaign Home Page
2020 THRO Ad | Meet the Independent Voters Alliance

Issues: The Nonpartisan Way | Proactive

Your Voice | Rich | Lit Drop | e-ONLINE FORM | How You Win | Top of Page

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Citizens for Stevenson




KY 3 U.S. Congress

ELECTION DAY: November 03, 2020

Vote Your Self-Interests


Bad News - Voter Apathy | Populist Voter Pledge

Equal Political Speech U.S. Amendmemt

Congressional Term Limits U.S. Amendment

Re-Enact the Glass-Steagall Act, 27 Pages

Contribute $1.00 Using PayPal

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Clean elections

$ Contribute $1.00 Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! $ @ForOH1Congress  OPEN CLEAN ELECTIONS OCCUPY $ Fund-Raising the Bernie Way $

We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!
Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

Occupy Elections


Free Political Tools

Top of Page | Lit Drop

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page

OPEN CLEAN ELECTIONS Citizens for Stevenson


ELECTION DAY: November 07, 2022


© RLS Design 2000-2022, all pages inclusive


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Open Ballot Access


Meet the IVA

 OPEN CLEAN ELECTIONS Support OH Green Party Ballot Access @ForOH1Congress

How You Win | How We Win

$ Contribute $1.00 Using PayPal - it's fast, free and secure! $ OCCUPY $ Fund-Raising the Bernie Way $

Elect Centrist Independents

Unite America - Mission




Clean elections

We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!
Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

Occupy Elections


Free Political Tools

Top of Page | Lit Drop

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page


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Bad News - Voter Apathy