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U.S. Congressional Candidates The 2020 Thro Ad can help win your election to the U.S. Congress. Thro promotes defeat of all Congressional incumbents, including the one in the office you seek. Please consider endorsing the 2020 Thro Ad in your election campaign to help Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out in 2020! Free THRO Template: You can edit the Thro html pages for your campaign and add the links to your web pages on your own, without any help. Do not edit the Thro Ad text in any way. Edit the candidate's endorsement text. Publish Thro web pages for your specific U.S. House or U.S. Senate election, but only if you are a nonpartisan independent or minor party candidate. The Thro campaign does not support any bipartisan D or R candidate. A free "" template, with HTML, PDF and DOC files, is available for you by Email attachment. Send your Email request now. (thro at No cost at all, ever. The basic template is small, less than 1.5mb zipped. (Top of Page) (Leaders) You can link the Thro html pages on your campaign web pages. Read the instruction files included in the template. Please contact us if you need help or have any unanswered questions. You must accept the Thro license agreement (included in the template) in full to participate. Publish your edited Thro pages in the "/THRO/" sub-directory you publish in your campaign web page directory. Your edited thro.html ad page with your endorsement is accessed by THRO links you add to all of your social media pages and to your campaign web pages. The 2020 Thro Ad History page and the 1990s Thro Ad History page are linked on the thro.html page. This help web page is also linked on all THRO web pages to help obtain THRO Ad endorsements from as many nonpartisan Congressional candidates as possible. Thro Internet searches will find your campaign pages. Also, to strengthen the Ad campaign, you can recruit and link a new Thro coordinator on your edited Thro Help page to work with Congressional candidates in your state or area. Multiple Thro coordinators can be useful in each state to help candidates. Each nonpartisan independent Congressional campaign could benefit from the promotional efforts of a Thro coordinator. Please give a heads up that you have published THRO pages on your campaign web site so we can add you to the list of candidate endorsers of the new 2020 THRO Ad Campaign. Good luck on your election to public office. We will visit and promote the THRO pages you edit and publish. Thank you for your public service. Thank you for your endorsement of the THRO Ad. Candidate Research Coordinators: The Thro Campaign is looking for multiple intrastate coordinators in all fifty states. Locate the best nonpartisan candidates and supply all qualified candidates with a free template. Be a leader in your state and district. Find nonpartisan and minor party candidates to endorse THRO.
Thro Campaign Coordinator (OH and USA)
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Together We Really Can... Jack Gargan |
Express Support for Thro — Participate to Term Limit the U.S. Congress. Join Jack's lead in the Good Government Movement. leave a better Government for our Grandchildren. (Jack has retired from public life to enjoy his last years in private.) More Information Wanted? Nonpartisan
Independent Candidates
who endorse THRO: Listed
by State
2020 THRO History
Web Page: |
Problem: Bipartisan Corruption. The original full page 1990s THRO Ad ran in 633 Major Newspapers Nationwide. Over $2.5 million was spent. In 1992, one hundred and twenty-four new faces were elected to Congress. In 1994, more than fifty-four new faces elected to the U.S. House changed the majority from D to R, but no change was made in the bipartisan corruption permitted by both parties in their collusive two-party system. Back in the years from 1990 to 1994, the Internet was relatively new and social media scarcely existed. Just imagine how many more voters in today's online environment can get our T.H.R.O message for FREE on the Internet and social media — with millions of comments on Facebook, Twitter, the blogosphere, alternate news media, email, etc., to share our message with voters to "Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out." We can "vote out" many more bipartisan incumbents in 2020. Using the Internet, we can realize the THRO Mission: VOTE EVERY BIPARTISAN INCUMBENT SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE OUT OF PUBLIC OFFICE — the entire U.S. CONGRESS. OCCUPY POLITICS. Solution: End Two-Party Majority Control. Our campaign against entrenched bipartisan monopoly political power may take many years to complete. We can elect nonpartisan independent and minor party people to Congress. Only 40 or 50 nonpartisans in the U.S. House and 10 nonpartisans in the U.S. Senate will end constant bipartisan warfare to gain partisan majority control of Congress. Public policy will no longer be bought by special interests with campaign contributions to Career Incumbent office holders. With the bipartisan fight ended, public policy can simply serve our nation and our people. Each of us must vote our bipartisan Congress persons out of office ~ this year. Today we still need ALL NEW FACES in Congress to complete the THRO Mission. Tell a friend the good news. Together, we can throw the hypocritical rascals out. 124 new faces were elected in 1992. How many more new faces will we elect in 2020? This time, all the new faces elected to Congress need to be populist nonpartisans, not bipartisan Democrats and Republicans who support the corrupt Two-Party System. The new faces we elect will be nonpartisan candidates. We can be represented in the U.S. Congress. Congress has a 94% disapproval rating. Throw them out.(Top of Page) (Thro Ad Links) (Candidate) (Long-Term Solution) Thro is an intentional political mass movement with a way to happen. Join the effort. See Your Voice in the 2020 THRO Ad. |
Links © Jack Gargan 2002-2020, all pages inclusive [Your Endorsement on All THRO Web Pages] [Edit next 7 Lines] 2020 Thro Ad Endorsed By Rich Stevenson Candidate for U.S. Congress District 03 Kentucy P.O. Box 123, Hillview, Kentucky 40129-0123 2020 Thro Ad | Long-Term Solution 2020 Thro Ad Campaign Created by Common Sense II Political
Reforms 2020 Thro Ad Campaign Endorsed by Jack
Gargan, THRO,
Inc. founder — Independent
Reform Party — Roy
Downing Independent Voters Alliance
Ballot Access 2020 Model Thro Ad Links on 2020 Candidate Web Pages Rich Stevenson for U.S. Congress KY 03 ( Thro Help for Nonpartisan 2020 U.S.
Congressional Candidates
Thro Campaign History Web Pages History
Links © Jack Gargan 2002-2020, all pages inclusive | 2020 Thro Ad | Long-Term Solution TAKE BACK CONGRESS Election Day: November 03, 2020