(OHIVA) Historical Page

Issue | Ballot | Party | Status | Numbers | IVA Page Guide



Initial Publication: 01-01-01   Latest Revision: 03-03-14 rls

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Independent Voters Alliance

State of Ohio (hamcoOHIVA)

Petition Activities Page


Open Ballot Access Petition Drives

 Statewide Initiative/Referendum Petitions None identified beyond 2006. Please advise if you know of an active petition to put an issue on Ohio Ballots that is not posted here. NOTE: This OHIVA page does not show any Statewide Initiative petitions. There are active ballot access petitions for minimum wage and one-payer health care for Ohio we could have on this page. Other initiatives are needed. See the Referenda web page, for a shopping list. You may want to submit an item for the referendum list. Help is needed to keep this active petitions page updated for Ohio initiatives.

 Form Minor Ohio Political Parties NOTE: Four known possibilities exist to circulate ballot access petitions to form Minor Ohio Political Parties for future elections. None have a goal for completion.

 Local Initiative/Referendum Petitions (Top of Page)


2006 Initiative Issue Results

The Candidates and Issues on the November 7, 2006 ballot, from the Hamilton County Board of Elections on a pdf as of October 5, 2006: G06CNAISS.pdf Read it to decide on your votes. Some comments are below, with a few recommended votes. Results Shown Below After Each Issue. (Top of Page)

 Issue #1: Withdrawn from the ballot. Related to workman's compensation.

 Issue #2: Vote Yes. Raise the Ohio minimum wage to $6.85 as of January 1, 2007. Implements an Annual Minimum Wage Adjustment based upon inflation in the preceding year. Employees under the age of sixteen and small businesses will be subject only to federal wage laws. Passed: By >12%. 2,025,997 yes votes 56.17%, and 1,581,187 no votes 43.83%.

 Issue #3: Vote No. Another Scheme to legalize Gambling by making False Promises to Fund Education. 55% goes to Gambling Interests and only 30% to a Board of Regents (Probably Controlled By Organized Crime) That will Never Reach any Student.  Gaming = Gambling = Organized Crime. Don't believe the lies. FAiled: By >13%. 1,609,342 yes votes 43.13%, and 2,121,620 no votes 56.87%.

 Issue #4: Vote No. Invalidates all Non-Smoking ordinances currently in effect. Does not Ban smoking in Public Areas anywhere. Expands Public Smoking Areas by Retroactively invalidating previously passed laws. FAiled: By >26%. 1,334,586 yes votes 35.66%, and 2,407,575 no votes 64.34%.

 Issue #5: Vote Yes. Bans Public Smoking to Protect Workers and the Public from Second Hand Smoke. Excellent Public Health Law. Provides for Enforcement and Imposes Penalties for Violations of Smoking Restrictions. Passed: By >16%. 2,185,659 yes votes 58.28%, and 1,564,833 no votes 41.72%.
Top of Page)

 Statewide Issue Results From Previous Ballots:

11-04-03 Ballot

(Top of Page)


Statewide Initiative/Referendum Petitions

  None identified beyond 2006. Please advise if you know of an active petition to put an issue on Ohio Ballots that is not listed. (Top of Page)

Petition Coordinator Contacts — Status

 Petition Coordinator Contacts How many signatures do we have and how many are still needed on the petition(s) you chose to circulate? Check progress on completion of the petition(s). (Top of Page)


Petitions to Form Ohio Political Parties

 Ohio Petitions to Form a Political Party (4)

Minor Party Ballot Access Petitions, if shown below as a link, can be downloaded so you can help obtain valid petition signatures to put the party(s) you choose on Ohio ballots. Each party will have to get 5% of the popular vote in Gubernatorial and Presidential elections to retain ballot access for each minor party in subsequent years. Petitions are a lot of work to have just one to two years of ballot access for one minor party. One alternative is to get ballot access for a cooperative party such as the IVA to be used by all minor parties and independents.


Continuous Cooperative Ballot Access: A Cooperative minor party can get the valid signatures needed to maintain continuous ballot access year after year. All cooperative Minor Party candidates for public office all over Ohio will need 400% to about 6,700% fewer valid signatures than needed to get on the ballot as independent candidates. We can loosen the stranglehold of the bipartisan two-party monopoly on our political processes. The nonpartisan independent silent majority can get in the game.

(Top of Page) (Your Voice)

A Little History: Minor party candidates can retain ballot access for their Party if they get 5% of the popular vote in gubernatorial or presidential elections. However, the last minor candidate to get 5% of the vote was Ross Perot on the Reform Party ballot for President in 1996. The 1995 petition to put the Reform Party on the ballot succeeded only after winning a ballot access suit in Ohio courts brought against the bipartisan Ohio Secretary of State. Today there are no minor parties with ballot access to retain. Will votes for independent candidates count toward minor party ballot access? Ohio law is unclear on the point, which all but guarantees a court challenge by the bipartisan two-party monopoly. Would the designation of "Other Party" on the ballot help to obtain ballot access for the minor party of the candidate's choice? If an "Other Party" independent candidate does get the required 5% of the vote, we could sue for ballot access in court. A bipartisan challenge to our suit would be likely. A year or two of ballot access is the best possible result from any such difficult suit.

Getting sustainable IVA cooperative Minor Party ballot access by petition may be the best ballot access alternative. Valid signature numbers would be easier to obtain with a cooperative effort to maintain continuous ballot access for everyone:


Minimum Ohio Cooperative Party Ballot Access Numbers: Twenty signatures with over 50% valid from 4400 reliable petition circulators will give us the 44,000 valid signatures needed. With 4400 IVA certified petition circulators we will have enough participants to get the signatures in a reasonable time with a little effort from each participant. (Note: 4400 x 20 equals 88,000 total signatures to submit.)

To have a workable minimum base of 4400 petition circulators, each of the 88 Ohio counties can average 50 petition circulators in each county, or each of the 16 U.S. Congressional Districts can average 275 petition circulators in each district.

Continuous Cooperative Ballot Access: Twenty signatures every two years from 4,400+ OHIVA petition circulators (88,000+ signatures) from friends, neighbors, and family will certify OHIVA ballot access for all future elections. Every legislative candidate using OHIVA ballot access will need just 25 valid signatures, not 1000s, for ballot access. Statewide candidates will need just 1000, not 5000 valid signatures. With ballot access assured, nonpartisan candidates can successfully compete with the bipartisan monopoly.

(Top of Page) (Your Voice)

Your Feedback needed: Three minor party committees are known by the IVA to have prepared a petition to circulate. None have a current active drive with a goal set to turn in petitions. If you are reading this and know of petition plans to form a minor Ohio political party, please contact us so the petition or link to the petition can be added to this page.

Provide an Adobe Acrobat file of the original petition and we will post it here for IVA and independent participants to download and circulate to form the new Minor Party. If help is needed with scanning the petition or making the Adobe Acrobat file, IVA participants will provide some instruction or assistance as needed. IVA participants want to help.

Write (ohiva@cs2pr.us) for help.


Click the links below to download and print the petitions. You must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader Program on your computer. See top of page. Contact the Party to motivate them to work on their petition.

Green Party of Ohio  www.ohiogreens.org
Ballot Access Petition Not Actively Circulating.

Independent Voters Alliance (IVA) 
(Cooperative Ballot Access Petition Not Created) STRATEGY

Libertarian Party (LPO) www.lpo.org
(Ballot Access Petition) Contact the party for status.

Natural Law Party www.ohionlp.org
Ballot Access Petition No Longer a Ballot Active Party.

END --------- FORM OHIO POLITICAL PARTIES --------- END (Top of Page)


Independent and Minor Party Candidates
Petitions/Web Pages for minor candidates:
The Nonpartisan Candidates on Your Ballot (Petitions/Web Pages)

(Top of Page)


Ballot access petitions will be available on IVA web pages and other web pages for use by populist nonpartisan citizens. Freedom is participation in power.

Be a proactive petition circulator and Election Day participant.

Be a proactive citizen in your voting precinct.

A Little Effort — A Lot of Liberty

Welcome to the populist ballot access movement.

Interim_Acting_Chair, Interim Acting Chair, OHIVA, Email

(Your Voice) IVA pdf-Participation Form | (End of Page)
Contact a Nearby IVA and Host a Meet up in Your Home or Dorm

OHIVA Pages Guide:

(IVA Priority) Certify Petition Circulators

(Your Voice) Manage IVA Web Pages

(Your Voice) Meet ups, Coffees, and Speakers

(Petitions/Web Pages) Nonpartisan Candidates on Ohio Ballots

(Initiative/Party) THIS PAGE Active Petitions

(Nonpartisan Candidate) Can You Stand for Public Office? (Qualify at 18 yrs.) (Gen X, Y Issues)

(Your Privilege) Proactive Citizenship

(Directory) Ohio Local IVA Home Pages 

(Directory) Ohio IVA Central Committee (Members Needed — Your Voice?)

(Download, Print) Ohio IVA Documents

(A Civics Lesson) Political ID Card

(Links to Learning) Study Hall, Today's Politics

(Positive, Creative Blogs) Sounding Board (Improve the Politics We Live With)

(Referenda) Ohio Ballot Initiative Ideas Page

(Ohio Income Tax Credit) $50 for your Political Use

(ohiva at cs2pr.us) OHIVA Email 

Model State IVA Web Pages
Ballot Access) Ohio IVA
Model Local IVA Web Pages (County, Community, precinct, etc.)
Ballot Access) Hamilton County OH


Issue Ballot Party Status Numbers

IVA Page Guide | Top of Page

 Local IVA Home Page | State IVA Home Page | National IVA Home Page
Web Page Manager, Web_Page_Manager, Email, Hamilton County OHIVA
Ballot Access for the Populist Voter Majority!
Independent and Minor Party Voters Welcome!
New Voters, Too!

IVA Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design
Copyright 1999-2018 by Richard L. Stevenson
Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
is given to the
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA) by Email.
Please use "IVA Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to nonpartisan political web pages.
Also created and developed by RLS Design
Common Sense II Political Reforms
Copyright 1997-2021 by Richard L. Stevenson


We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!
Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

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