2021 | 1st Amendment | Ideas | Numbers | IVA Page Guide |
Independent Voters Alliance (hamcoOHIVA)
State of Ohio OH Ballot Initiative Ideas Page Status: Only twenty-three states allow ballot initiative referendums. The other twenty-seven states have no legal provision for popular legislative initiatives. The page below was written to give some ideas for initiatives that could be useful in many states. All the ideas are specifically appropriate for Ohio. Anticipated public policy results are provided for each idea. The first OHIVA priority is to certify the large numbers of petition circulators needed in Ohio to participate in the Proactive Voter Movement.Ballot Access for statewide initiatives in Ohio requires 100,000* valid signatures. Then, if the Ohio legislature votes against the issue, another 100,000* signatures can force the issue onto the Ohio ballot. Big numbers of Valid signatures are required. Only very important issues are worth the effort. * The exact number is dependent upon voter turnout in previous elections. Makes me wonder how Riverboat Gambling made it to the ballot, in 1996? One possible answer: Gaming = Gambling = Organized Crime. That is one point of view. I am glad it failed. Gaming is gambling, is a social problem. A huge chunk of money was spent to gather signatures and to promote the issue, both pro and con. Paying for petition signatures probably needs to be outlawed for the very same reason that paying for votes on election day is outlawed. Payments for votes and for petition signatures corrupt the democratic process.1st Amendment Rights? Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people ... to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Twenty-seven states make no allowance to petition to initiate ballot referendums. The grievance in those states is Legislation without Representation by a two-party monopoly (dictatorship) with no legal means for the people to petition effectively. (Ideas) (Your Voice) I hope our issues for initiative and referendum are about important reforms to our electoral and political systems. Together, we can build a more democratic republic. Have an idea for initiative and referendum? Email to ohiva@cs2pr.us.------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some Worthy Ballot Initiative Ideas ------------------------------------------------------------------------