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IVA Page Guide

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Initial Publication: 01-01-01   Latest Revision: 11-12-23 rls

Independent Voters Alliance (hamcoOHIVA)

State of Ohio


Motto: Freedom is Participation in Power*

* Said Cicero, A Senator in the Forum of the Roman Empire around 2000 years ago

No one can do it alone. It is up to you. So it is now, and always will be. Change is up to everyone. Together. (Innovation)

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page on Facebook

Increase your freedom through participation in nonpartisan IVA activities in the precinct and county where you vote. Your participation in nonpartisan politics can elect new political leaders. New leaders have the potential to get beyond the crippling bipartisanship so rampant today. We seek to dilute the bipartisan monopoly political power of Democrats (DNC) & Republicans (RNC) who control all local, state and national elections. The flood of special interest money into bipartisan politics has lowered trust in government. Most of our citizens are correctly convinced that corrupt career politicians do not represent them. (Innovation) (Top of Page)


The Big Three Reforms,

And Election Innovation 1

(Your Voice) (Top of Page) (Occupy)

Can't Vote, Can't Contribute: New leaders elected without support from special interest money can help eliminate the appearance of wrongdoing by our leaders. Your Voice: Your highly selective vote for low budget highly qualified nonpartisan candidates, who accept campaign money only from eligible voters, will help elect leaders who have no financial conflicts of interest to interfere with the integrity of their civic leadership. Clean elections will help build public confidence in our political system. Clean government will provide representation for the 99.999% in all public offices. Equal Political Speech Amendment.

Incumbent Turnover: The election of candidates who are self-term-limited is equally important to freedom and liberty. Public office must be embraced as a temporary public duty. In a "republic" all citizens are recognized as co-equals, equal participants. Corruption of public servants can be avoided only by widespread sharing of public office. A good public servant is not entirely dependent upon the public payroll for a livelihood.

A Term Limits Amendment.

Limit Lobbyists, Information Only: Integrity in public office is made possible by the financial independence of the office holder. Public office should never be considered as a "job" or "career." The obligation to "public interest" must preclude any self-interest on the part of the office holder. "Job security" for incumbents is the enemy of good public service. Special interests and lobbyist money create the career incumbent power structure that corrupts any two-party political system. Power creates arrogance in public office. Power corrupts. "Self-interest" eventually becomes the central motivation for all career incumbents. Career self-interest, not the free flow of lobbyist information, is the source of corruption. Equal Political Speech Amendment Result: The purpose of any special interest money given to legislators and executives will clearly be identified as bribery.


Election Innovation: IVA GoalBuild the bottom-up Internet structure used by the populist nonpartisan Proactive Voter Movement to create open Final Five Primary Elections and RCV (Ranked Choice Voting) General Elections in every state.1 Have vote by mail2 for all eligible voters  in every state.3 Equal Political Speech under the law. We are the 99.999%. Occupy Elections. Everybody Vote! Occupy local legislative and executive offices. Occupy all State Legislative and Executive Offices. Unite America.  Occupy the U.S. Congress. Occupy the White House.


IVA Activity and Leadership

(Innovation) (Top of Page) (Occupy)

The IVA goal is to elect highly qualified populist nonpartisan and minor party candidates who will not accept any special interest money. Candidates we support with petitions and campaign participation will not have any strings attached to their offices and will be free to govern in the interests of all their human constituents, their entire electoral community. We are the 99.999%! We can occupy elections and win every public office running against career incumbent D's & R's.

You can participate to reach our goal of 100,000 IVA certified petition circulators in Ohio. You can run IVA precinct or community web pages on your personal home computer, tablet or cell phone at no cost. Without you, nothing will happen. You could even stand for public office to serve your fellow citizens. If not you, who? If not now, when?

(Your Voice) OHIVA (Gdoc) Leadership Form

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page  Zoom


Occupy elections. Vote against two-party career incumbents! Use ballot access petitions to Participate in power. 

Be a proactive petition circulator and Election Day participant.

Be a proactive citizen in your voting precinct.

A Little Effort. A Lot of Liberty

Welcome to the populist Proactive Voter Movement. Read the OHIVA pages:  Participate.  Zoom

Sign the pledge. OCCUPY     Bad News. Voter Apathy

Interim_Acting_Chair, Interim Acting Chair, OHIVA, Email


(Your Voice) OHIVA (Gdoc) Leadership Form
Contact a Nearby IVA and attend a Meet-up at Your Home or Dorm on Zoom.

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page  Zoom  Occupy  Bad News. Voter Apathy


End of Page

OH IVA Page Guide: Not all Pages Updated.

(Your Voice) THIS PAGE Motto Page

(IVA Priority) Certify Petition Circulators

(Your Voice) Manage IVA Web Pages

(Your Voice) Zoom Meet ups, Coffees, and Speakers

(MEETING) (Saturday) (Monthly) (Not Required)

(Petitions/Web Pages) Nonpartisan Candidates on Your Ballot

(Initiative/Party) Active Petitions

(Nonpartisan Candidate) Can You Stand for Public Office? (Qualify at 18 yrs.) (Gen X, Y Issues)

(Your Privilege) Proactive Citizenship

(Directory) Countywide Local IVA Home Page Links

(Directory) Precinct Local IVA Home Page Links

(Download, Print) Local IVA Documents

(A Civics100 Lesson) Political ID Card

(Links to Learning) Study Hall, Today's Politics

(Positive, Creative Blogs) Sounding Board (Improve the Politics We Live With)

(Referenda) Ohio Ballot Initiative Ideas Page

(Ohio Income Tax Credit) $50 for your Political Use

(ohiva at Local IVA Email

Model State IVA Web Pages
Ballot Access) Ohio IVA
Model Local IVA Web Pages (County, Community, precinct, etc.)
Ballot Access) Hamilton County OH


CHANGE | Innovation Your Voice | CHANGE

IVA Page Guide | Top of Page

Local IVA Home Page | State IVA Home Page | National IVA Home Page
Web Page Manager, Web_Page_Manager , Email, Hamilton County OHIVA
Ballot access for the Populist Voter Majority!
Independent and Minor Party Voters Welcome!
New Voters, Too!  Occupy


We can elect candidates who represent the economic
interests shared by 99.999% of our citizens. Not the 0.001 of 1.0%!
Main Street. Not Wall Street Billionaires!

We Are The 99.999%!

Occupy Elections. Everybody Vote!


Free Political Tools

Top of Page

IVA Leadership Page IVA Leader Page Zoom

Bad News. Voter Apathy

IVA Web pages created and developed by
RLS Design

Copyright 1999-2023 by Richard L. Stevenson

Permission to link on other web pages is given provided notice
 is given to the
Independent Voters Alliance (USAIVA) by Email.

Please use "IVA Link Notice" as the Email subject.
We seek links to nonpartisan political web pages.
Also created and developed by RLS Design
Common Sense II Political Reforms

Copyright 1997-2023 by Richard L. Stevenson


Top of Page






1. The Politics Industry, Gehl/Porter, Harvard Business Review Press, 2020: Learn more at and Institute for Political Innovation: - FFV, Final Five Voting.

Video(2min): .  

IVA Goal

2. A Democratic Republic! The Vote-by-Mail Revolution! , IVA Opinion, Richard L. Stevenson, May 01, 2020.

The 99% Can Vote Any Day at Home. End Voter Suppression By the DNC and the RNC! Create Open Final Five Nonpartisan Primary Elections to Build Consensus on Public Policy.


IVA Goal

3. Forward Party: , Join

Forward, Notes on the Future of Our Democracy, Andrew Yang, Crown, New York, 2021. "Civic Juries" mentioned by Yang would be completely fulfilled in the nonpartisan Proactive Voter Movement and would be supported by "The Proactive Voter Pledge" in the proactive pamphlet. The Local IVAs are "Civic Juries" in action. . Be a Proactive Voter. Occupy elections. Unite America.

IVA Goal


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CHANGE | Innovation | Your Voice | CHANGE

